Tuesday, April 19, 2011

DEMONS BE GONE!!! (from my closet)

Some people are pack-rats, others are hoarders and I am on the borderline somewhere in between.  I don't know how this all started, but everytime I go into my closet to find something to wear there is nothing, even though it's stuffed with clothes. I know most women feel this way!  For months I've been avoiding this issue because it brings so much anxiety and stress, but I really want a nice organized closet!!

Yesterday was Patriot's Day aka, Marathon Monday and I had the day off to finally tackle my closet "situation."  I went to yoga and prepared myself for what was to come: Parting with stuff I no longer need, use, or want.  I have a really nice walk in closet filled with clothes I don't wear anymore, empty shoe boxes, purses, and other junk that came with us 3 years ago when we moved out of Somerville.  Why the hell am I keeping these things?  Am I afraid that trashing stuff will be like trashing myself? Maybe, but most of the fear is knowing I bought all these things and then didn't use or wear them, knowing I gained some weight and lots of things don't fit.  It's a total waste of money and a spotlight on my old retail therapy habits.  Everything fits in 3 big plastic storage containers:

10 belts
6 jeans
6 work pants
5 skirts
25 tops
3 purses
2 hats
4 scarves
8 shoes

My niece, Jess takes first dibs and then I'll donate the rest to Goodwill.

After it was all cleared out I felt relief because my closet serves its' function again and I still have so many clothes to wear that I don't need to go shopping right away.  I'm content with what I have now. Bonus:  I rediscovered some lost jewelry: 4 earrings, 2 rings, 1 braclet, and 2 necklaces. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so inspiring! I noticed that I have really cut down drastically on my shopping this year- Now, I can go to a new and exciting yoga class rather than spending the afternoon hunting the racks at Marshalls. What is it that helped us with this? Aparigraha?
