I'm not talking about yummy, delicious Spanish cuisine, although now I am craving that. Tapas is one of the Niyamas (disciplines) of yoga that means to burn or heat. So, the concept of tapas truly translates to igniting the fire within ourselves. I see tapas as an intense passion that we have for something to be in our lives or to be out of our lives. What are your goals that will mentally or physically satisfy your inner core?
To improve our lives we must first decide to make a change. What?? Change?? The very thought of change terrifies many people, but if you recognize the value of possibility, change can become a welcoming, comforting challenge to each of us.
Tapas takes practice and dedication to reap the benefits of the end result. Sort of like starting an exercise routine. In the beginning, it really stinks and it's so hard to keep up with it. You need the drive (tapas) and discipline to stick with it, even though you can barely move a muscle. But, in a few months, you really see results. Same goes with a yoga or meditation practice.
What am I burning into my life:
-Re kindling my meditation practice
-organization in my house and mind
-stepping up my yoga practice
What am I burning out:
-my anger and inability to "let it go"
-my tendency to become overwhelmed (teacher training, IIN, art studio, working, cooking, blogging, web site designing--eeek!!)
-negative thought patterns that fuel fear
Tapas is the rich seed that ignites our journey to achieve a certain goal or to make important life changes.
So, what are your Tapas?
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